Lets get right down to business 'cuz this girl plans to live life this weekend! The boys are feeling much better and whatever bug I've caught, I can fight it. We're not loosing out on another weekend of fun!
1// Those boys. That Jeep. The blondie is mine (Landon) and the other is my nephew (Landon's cousin). Aren't cousins the best?! These boys trip us out. They are stinking hilarious My nephew turns 2 this weekend. No doubt he'll be spoiled rotten tonight at his birthday party.
2// No really. that's what it's taken to stay organized. Love the bright colors and perfect amounts of space to collect my thoughts and scribble lists of things to do. Found them at the dollar spot of Target, love 'em.
3// It's what's for dinner! We made our own pizza's this week. If you haven't tried Flat Out Flat Bread, you should. I'll def be sharing the 'deets on how I did my pizza (:
4// Help!!! These heart dishes are oven safe. Should I bake mini cakes in them or brownies?
I can't decide!
5// My boys. Finally they are healthy and back at school, ironically enough (not so ironic) I am now sick.
But before it hit, we walked, searching for ducks and fish. And found them! The fish was dead. yes, dead on the rocks. And the ducks were by the dozen. Landon doesn't like to say complete words, finds it to be a waste of time...so he kept repeating "DU-DU-DU-DU" he's a sweetie, both my boys are.
Take a moment to reflect...
on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.
P.S. Have you seen all the giveaways this month? Holy Giveaways! It's been a while since I hosted one and would love to get some insight from you all. So tell me, what gets you most excited? Is it the gift cards, ad space, actual products? What annoys you the most and would you like to join me in a giveaway?
Comment away or send me an email!

I would love to join you in a giveaway! I love the dollar spot at Target. They have alot of good things. Glad your family is feeling better.
i have those same note pads from target - love them! I love making home made pizza! and make some brownies in those cute pans!
I hope you have a most wonderful weekend! :)
Glad you are feeling better! Love the notepads from Target. It is really tough to stay organized, so whatever works! My vote is for mini cakes in those heart shaped pans! have a great weekend!
have a GREAT weekend!!! i LOVE giveaways! giftcards are great... products are great! i'm in! hey would you want to swap blog buttons!?
You gotta make brownies! Esther Norine Designs
great photos my dear! Have a wonderful weekend!
I think you should do brownies with pink or red icing! Enjoy!
I adore the little Jeep! I had one when I was little and my brother and I wore that thing out. :) I'm going to have to take a page out of your book and stop by Target soon. I can't stay organized lately and it's driving me crazy -- and taking a toll on other areas of my life!
Where did you get the heart-shaped dish that is oven safe?! I think you need to make a cake. I have a vision of a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with pink or red sprinkles/dots!! I'm also jealous of the kiddos - I always wanted a jeep like that!!
aw you are so dang cute!! i would join you in a giveaway/ i think people like anything!!
Flat Out Flat Bread is SOOO good, I love making my own pizza and that is the best prepared dough to use! I am a total sucker for brownies.. however, I think a heart shaped cake is adorable! I am attempting to make heart shaped cupcakes this week.. oh boy! Have fun at your nephew's party tonight! :)
glad your kiddos are feeling better, hope that you dont feel to bad... I love the dollar spot at Target, in fact I just plain love Target.
Cake, cake, cake. In fact, you should make this cake. It would be perfect in those little heart shaped dishes. It takes some planning but it is SOO good. We probably have them twice/year or so and Valentine's day would be perfect.
Look at that SUPER BLONDE HAIR!!
Glad to hear everyone's back in good health!
And who can argue with a giveaway of any kind? The only request I have is that it be rigged, so that I win. You can do that, right Kristine? For me? ;)
found your cute blog through the friday blog hop! I just made heart-shaped brownies the other night and added vanilla ice cream and berries on top, so yummy!
new follower via gfc and bloglovin :)
Definitely heart shaped brownies!
Glad your kiddos are feeling better! My son has been out sick, too! But he's going back tomorrow!
As for giveaways, I'm new to this and hosting my first giveaway right now, actually. I wanted to do a giveaway of something I would like - an item. So I chose jewelry from another blog just starting out as well. People are loving it! I like it because its something that helps another small business get traffic, too.
I've loved doing my giveaway and I'd love to be included in hosting any future giveaways you plan!
New follower from the GFC blog hop, btw!
Hi from your newest follower from the Blog Hop! Would love a follow in return! www.sugaraunts.com
Cute dishes! Brownies all the way. :)
Hey Hun,
Found your blog through the Monday Mingling link up.
So glad I found your blog, its adorable I love it!
I read your about me and gosh you have some adorable boys! I love that their names are all L's its so sweet!
Looking forward to getting to know you a bit more through your posts.
Gi xx
I need to get my planner more organized! With the hubs home, I have a LOT more on my plate.
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