This little blog started just 4 months ago!
So the "best" of my 2012 blogging days will be oh, so short and sweet.
Should come as a relief if you've been hopping around these link ups!
Hello blogging world! My first few posts really show the novice in me! But I was hooked and ready to dive in, learning as I blogged.
I believe in - would be the best of my first month blogging.
another mention of that first month....Race Day 5k
Placed 3rd (in women) and became my 1st of many post featured on SportBall Kids Community Voice!
Ah! This is much harder to pick from!
October is full of adorable stories and pics of my boys as well as fab & fun DIY's and 3-minute recipes... but if I focus on the best of blogging, my writings then the best would be...
Cupcakes and a Mud Run - one of the first times I found my writing style and truly inspired others through my own fitness track...
This month shows I was falling in love with blogging! My blog got a new name and became official by having it's own style, becoming Heart Shaped Sweat and thanks to the incredible Jessica it also received a custom makeover! Now, posts like this are dear to my heart and little did I know it would affect others positively (perfect combo). I wrote my first "sad" post...a recount of 18 years in furball love, our youngest had his first trip to the ER and there was another delicious recipe post which became my first pinned post ever! But....
Scared of the Gym? Top 10 Reasons not to be is hands down my best post of this month and maybe of all time. It's the kind of post that flows so fluently from your mind to the keyboard and was completed within minutes, no photo's needed, the words are enough.
While my H54F posts consistently rank among the highest hap-hazzard fashion post have surpassed those viewing numbers. Very humorous to me, yet oddly encouraging. Guess I should consider a little more integrity in any future fashion posts. I introduced the Army wife side of my life here and here and was thrilled with your acceptance and beyond excited by the new Army wife bloggers it introduced to me to.
I don't know if I could say there was a "best" post of this month. The way Christmas consumed most of my energy and was hard to blog. I managed to get in a few post regarding healthy snacks and healthy holidays and I laughed the whole way through this post.
Heading into January, the New Year....
Maybe I'm in my blogging groove....maybe not, but almost 200 of you think this of me!
Blogging, like anything else, is a work in progress. There are many times, I stop and wonder where I'd like to take Heart Shaped Sweat. I've done giveaways and plan to do more, I've done guest posting and have accepted 2 more offers, I plan to create and host a Linky party (very excited about this), I hope to open up a bit more and publish some of my drafts, I am being more active in sponsorship and showing blog love and will be offering the same opportunity to you, but ultimately, I hope to become even more motivational and inspirational in my fitness posts.
So if none of this excites you, I don't know what will!
I, personally, love this little corner of the www and hope that you leave me some comments so I can find your corner too!

Glad I found your blog! I'm running my first half marathon in April so I'll be sure to look out for those fitness posts in 2013 :-)
Wonderful post! :) Happy New Year sweet friend!
Great post!! You are so inspiring!! I love your gym post and need to remember to read that anytime I'm avoiding the gym :) Also, I can't wait to see what races you run this year! Happy New year!
The moment I started reading your recap I knew that I was going to love your blog! I'm also a fellow military wife, momma, and fitness enthusiast! (Though I had some lazy months in 2012!) :) I look forward to reading more about your precious family!
aw yay for new and successful blogs! I love yours and cannot wait to follow along in 2013 :)
I didn't realize your blog was so new. It's fantastic! I love reading it. It's become one of my daily's. I, too, am a novice and have big dreams for 2013.
You will have a wonderful 2013! Congrats on a fantastic year!
Found you though the link up! Hope to get to know you better! Love your blog... and if you have time check me out at Happy New Year! K Jaggers
I found your blog just within the last month... I would never have known you were fairly new to blogging! yours is a blog I check daily.. looking forward to reading more in 2013!
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Your post is interesting. Hope you have more useful posts like this
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