Last weeks mileage:
27.1 miles
This weeks mileage:
Bikini Butt Making Trail Run = 3 miles
Total so far for May:
30.1 miles!!!
If you come close or go beyond the goal... you still count your miles the same way as everyone else :))
And that my friends is whole a lot of miles in just 31 days! So hooray for all of us!
Whether you walked the miles or ran them... you kicked serious butt. I can honestly say I loved all my runs this month except for yesterdays! Something about the heat and those hills made me feel like I had weighted sneakers or like I was dragging a car. There were times I didn't even feel like a natural. Like my body wasn't synced with the pace of my music AT ALL. And I was wearing my fun, new running skirt! wah!!
I thought about you peeps doing this challenge too and wondered how many times some or any of you may have felt this way? It can be a little discouraging. frustrating. and upsetting. It can make you feel like you're not a good runner. But anyone can be a runner. A runner by definition does not offer a required pace nor a certain physique or even a particular place to be. A runner by definition is simply a person moving two feet, one in front of the other swiftly. Seriously, I double checked. (via)
Hub's Garmin was like my confidant throughout most runs. I loved being able to gauge my pace. When I felt in sync with the run I would check my pace, when I felt like crying I would check my pace. It was interesting to see how widely the times varied.
On that note, did you ever have moments during your run that you felt really, really good? Were you able to gauge your pace? I kinda feel like whatever that pace is during those "feel good strides" is the pace to set for yourself at each run. For me that's when all the good juju was flowing and when the run felt effortless. Maybe you weren't into the running part of the challenge, I'm not sure, but if you were... what do you think? Do you have a pace that you aim for each run or does it change by the trail or equipment or day?
I hope you all keep up the extra activity and level of motivation. You can count on me to keep at it and keep cheering you on! And always be your own inspirations, this will keep you all the way strong!
Summer Kickoff virtual 5k race bibs went out today!!!
It's finally here and I'm beyond excited about it!
We're gonna rock these 3.1 miles :))
check your inbox for the email, print out your bibs and meet back up with us June 11th!
I hope to have a kickoff post up over the weekend and update Facebook as well!
Good luck to everyone, have fun with it!!!
I hope to have a kickoff post up over the weekend and update Facebook as well!
Good luck to everyone, have fun with it!!!
*you can still sign up for the virtual 5K, it's open through Saturday!
I want to know how you're doing this month!
Did you track your pace as well as your miles?
Have a favorite run? Or a "bad" run?

You did awesome! Can't wait for the 5k. So excited to get my race bib! Planning to do it this Sunday!!!
You did so awesome! The summer heat is already killing me and it is only going to get worse!
Congratulations!!! That is so awesome!!!! I want to try to 50miles in a month. Do you think it's possible!
You did so amazing!!!! :)
Congrats on meeting your goal! I saw my bib earlier, and they are SO CUTE. I can't wait to wear it!
Holy smokes! Good work, lady!
I absolutely haaate running, and have never really gotten into it although I would love to! I think if I set a goal like this for myself, it might actually do the trick! Fingers crossed!
Thanks for the inspiration ;)
Yay! Congrats for getting your 30 miles! I totally understand feeling rough sometimes. It happens to me too. And there are other times when everything just clicks and I run a sub 9 minute mile for 5 miles. It's weird - I think it hasa a lot to do with the temperature, humidity, and diet for the day.
I'm SO glad I met you and that you linked up too girl! You are AWESOME and I love connecting with strong women like you who are inspirational! LOVE your neon running skirt, I don't have a skirt, but I think they are super cute! I absolutely live for that moment in a run when I don't focus on my body and just hit my stride and feel the music and get lost. It's an amazing high!
You go girl! You look fab. I would love to do this too. I'm new to the blog world and I am glad I found yours! XOXO
Bikini Butt Making Trail Run? That sounds incredibly daunting. I am so glad I found your blog through Nikki's challenge. If there is anything that comes before beginner runner, that is me. Can't wait to read some of your other posts about running and I am really excited to continue reading what you have to share. I can just tell you radiate positivity and that is something the world can always use more of. My favorite part of (some of) my runs was when I surprised myself by being able to push a little further than I originally planned. Very empowering feeling!
I love the "30 miles in 30 days" link up/challenge. I also love that you have a run you call "Bikini Butt Making Trail Run", it sounds FABULOUS and painful all at the same time.
congratulations on hitting your goal! that is incredible.
Great job on your miles! Hitting your goal has to feel amazing!
rock on girlie!
This would be a great way to try and get back in shape after baby. 30 in 30 doesnt seems tangible!
Yay! So excited! Congrats!!! Can't wait to do my 5k next week!!
I've just found your blog recently. Well done on running 30 miles! Its a good goal to set yourself for the month.
Congrats, you made it!
Sparkles and Shoes
This is awesome!!! I feel like crap that I didn't know about this - I would have loved to join in! Maybe next time... looking forward to my 5k next Saturday! WOOHOO!
Oh, and my feel-good pace is 10 min/mile (at altitude ;)), and that's awesome on a treadmill... when I get outside I realize how slowly the world is passing by, and I end up pushing myself up to a 9 min/mile, which always makes me want to die ;) Seriously miss running at sea level!!
Your doing a link up on Monday, the 10th, for the virtual 5k??? I don't remember!! LOL!
I did my 5K today!!
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