Goals and resolutions for the year have been set.
And, we're working hard to meet those goals, right?
Many of us resolved to have healthier, happy, and fit lifestyles this year.
We've dropped beads of heart shaped sweat. We've cut foods from our diet that once delayed our progress and maybe even added a salad or two to our weekly meal plans ;) We've made a plan and followed through, making huge progress on what was just a dream 30 days ago.
So with one month down...you can look back and see what has and hasn't worked for you. Was anything missing from the plan? In the scheme of creating the perfect plan, often times, we forget to outline a list of rewards. There's no good reason to not reward ourselves.
Adding rewards to your plan will keep it fun! The more fun you're having, the more likely you'll keep it up!
*If you've lost weight you're probably noticing your pants and tops fitting poorly.
Head out shopping! Try the style you've pinned so many times and rock it :)
*If you've ran miles this month you're feet are sore puppies. Schedule an appointment for a well deserved mani/pedi. Soak up the lotions and the time of pampering :)
*If you've lifted heavy you've most likely experienced sore muscles. Let someone roll out the knots and unkink the spasms. Close your eyes and drift far way as the muscles relax and loosen :)
*When you're looking in the mirror do you see a new face? All that weight loss and improved self esteem may have you ready for a day in the salon :)
*Noticed all the bright, eye catching sports gear and attire? It might be time to reward yourself with new workout clothes or free weights and other gear for the home. You've undoubtedly learned new moves and routines, why not try a few at home?!
*For the lucky ones, this reward may get as big as planning a vacation! If that includes you, go for it! Grab your favorite suit and get your vacay on :)
Sometimes without thinking, we automatically apply the word "reward" to food. Oh, this cookie is my reward, or this 500 calorie latte is my reward and duh, this second slice of cake is my reward. I am sooooo not talking about these kind of rewards. In fact, these kind of rewards can leave us with guilt and uneasy feelings. These rewards can even send us down the wrong path. But if we must go there....food as a reward...let me share with you one of my favorite smoothie recipes!
Chocolate Banana Smoothie - loaded with protein!
Blend in blender....
1 c. Almond Milk
1 scoop chocolate protein
1 banana, cinnamon and some ice!
All that you've accomplished in the last 30 days is amazingly beneficial your system, inside and out. Reward yourself. There is no reason to wait. We humans live for appreciation, why not give a little to ourselves? You'll find that the goals of February will be that much more attainable :)
Do you reward yourself?
How do you "treat" yourself after a hard work out?
P.S. If you're wanting yet another way to reward yourself enter one of these giveaways, I'm participating in here and here!

Fitness links .... Fitness Fridays
love those shakes!! they are soo good!
I think its so important to point out that rewards are not food. We are not dogs. We don't get treats for behaving! Great post and ideas!
Shopping for new clothes is the best part of losing weight! Great ideas!
Found you through the GFC Blog Hop!
Mmm chocolate banana protein shakes are so yummy!
it's so funny that I just read this! I literally just typed out a blog post for wednesday listing out my weight loss goal mile-markers and rewards for each! love!
Okay. I just found your blog today - and I am in LOVE! :) I'm your newest follower and can't wait to read more! :)
Breanna :)
Great post, Kristie! What a great way to get motivated!! I actually did the pedi thing not to long ago--my feet were calloused and gross from all the walking I do. Getting my feet pampered was exactly what I needed :)
I love your blog!
I make a chocolate banana smoothie every morning after the gym. I use Vega chocolate protein powder (gluten and dairy free),banana and a handful of spinach. The banana masks the spinach flavour. It tastes fantastic!
Happy Monday!
Lemon Sugar Creative
This looks amazing! Will have to try it soon.
I love these ideas! I love re-polishing my fingers and toes. It makes me feel like a girl again. I also try not to buy bagged tea, and buy loose leaf teas instead. It's a splurge and it feels great to have something just for me. I've lost 102 lbs. since my girls were born in December 2010, so a little over two years. I've found that rewards are what keep me going more than anything else. Great post! Thanks for the encouragement!
That looks good. New Follower!
Hi, glad to meet you at the meet up, girl has to have her smoothies, I drink the green ones everyday and sometimes twice a day. Stop by and visit me at my healthy living Fb page and blog. Something for everyone.
This sounds absolutely amazing! I found your blog through from the Whispering Sweet Nothings giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!
Sparkles and Shoes
I reward myself with a nap! Haha ... No seriously
this sounds soo good! and better reward than eating something fried or filled with sugar!
I love smoothies! I will definitely be trying this one. Thanks for sharing!
New follower as well :) Found you from Pursuit of Pink!
That's such a great idea! Why did I never think of doing some kind of reward for exercising? I've always ended up giving up on exercising after a few days.
This sounds delicious. I usually just make a protein drink. Powder and water doesn't look nearly as good as this.
Um hello, this looks delicious!! Thanks for a great recipe!!
I have to say you are quickly becoming my favorite blog! thanks for sharing!
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