It seems our family is back on track with the regular. The holidays are long gone and there's not much ahead of us until spring time. This pace in life is nice, just the regular stuff with plenty of wiggle room for spontaneity....we'll see how long it last!
Linking up with Lauren for a Friday favorite!
1// snow. oh snow, how I love you more than rain.
2// giving it my best at the gym! lots of indoor cardio, weight lifting and having fun with cxworx.
3// nicknamed spider man. he made it to the top of the hardest path on the rock wall this week, after working hard on this goal for months.
4// what you say mom, I was busy on my new tricycle!? this kid cracks me up, the way his little legs and feet pedal in such a scurry only to quickly stop -jumping off to add to his collection of bark.
5// and hello, official orders for Colorado. we were told of these orders a few months ago but it is now on paper and our names on the wait list for housing. let the countdown begin...
P.S. Yesturday's #whatsonyoursalad post was lots of fun, it's running through the weekend if you'd like to add your link! Thank you to all that linked up and made my day and inspired some healthy bites for the coming week. Let's keep it rolling for a few more weeks!!
Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.

love your rain or "snow" boots. :) happy weekend kristine!
I know! This momma needs some real snow boots! Happy weekend to you!!
Looks like a fun week!!
We are moving to Colorado as soon as my hubby graduates in May!! I am so excited!! :)
Stopping by to say hi! Found you through the Aloha Blog Hop!
-Kelly :)
Good luck with your move to Colorado! I love that state... I would live there! :)
High five for Friday FOR SURE! Don't you just love the feeling of a Friday morning? I had so much fun going through your salads... I totally know what I am having for lunch! (Oh that Asian dressing... can't wait!) Loved the pic of your boy on his tricycle. Lastly, thank you and your family for the sacrifices you make so the rest of us can be FREE. New follower from the Aloha Blog Hop. Make it a great weekend, Jules
Hey! I am your newest follower:) IF you get a chance stop by and check out my blog. I love your rain boots..or snow...I use mine for both so don't worry you are not the only one that does that lol Looks like you had a great week, I found you through the #H54F blog hop!
Have a great weekend!
That rock wall looks awesome!
You should link this up to our Fitness Friday link up on my blog today. Your pictures are inspirational!
Your boots are really cute!
I'm a new follower, btw, from over at {Country} Life with a Front Porch View. I found your post via H54F!! Hope you'll stop by my neck of the woods soon!
Uhhh...I'm super jealous about Colorado! I love it there! I could never move there since all of my fam are east coasters, but man! It's so gorgeous there! And yeah, we thought we were getting snow last night-I think we got about .9797847598728457 of an inch. Uggh.
New follower!
Congrats on your orders to Carson! It's so beautiful there! My sister's husband is stationed there, and she told me she plans to never leave!
Great job at keeping up with the workout!!I visited Denver this last summer and feel in love with the area! I hope you are excited :)
you are just too cute when you work out!!
I'm so jealous of the snow. We have had NONE in Chicago!
Looks like a great week! I am so excited for you for CO!! I absolutely love it so much, thats where we got married (we live in AZ)! I hope housing comes along quickly!
Hi Kristine, I've just come across your blog - great stuff! Being back into routine post-holidays is the best!
Happy Friday!
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