Temps, here in VA, are super warm for this time of year and we're making sure to enjoy it. We have plans to have no plans at all and spend the weekend outdoors...let the kids run free, take on the hills, climb a tree.
Linking with Lauren for a very welcomed "Friday" link up....
1// can I just say some days getting to the gym is a workout in itself? Rallying up these two boys should be easier than it is. And once we get to the gym....we're that family that isn't forgotten. Landon catches a fire up his a$$ and takes off running and screaming with joy that he's there until he realizes he's headed for daycare then the screams are more of the hell-no kind. Within seconds he's over it and happily engaged with other children but during that explosion of will you've got strangers going "oh, he's so precious, look at those curls" to "oh, ehhh, don't think you're getting in a workout today, good luck". Whatever people...we go through it every time.
2// took the boys to the most obnoxious place in the world....Chuck E. Cheese. Needless to say, they had a blast and really, I enjoyed myself too...after 5 beers....kidding, only kidding.
3// came home from work and look who was cooking dinner! WHAT?!! how awesome. I immediately grabbed a seat at the patio table and took in the scenery.
5// My MIL gave me this necklace for Christmas. She shares my love for the ocean and endless seashell hunts. I've worn this piece A LOT since Christmas. I'm always ready for summer.
P.S. Yesturday's #whatsonyoursalad post was lots of fun, it's running through the weekend if you'd like to add your link! Thank you to all that linked up and commented...it made my day and inspired some healthy bites for the coming week. I'm soooo excited to see what next week will bring!!!
Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.
and that Friday Blog Hop!

We've been having great weather here in SC, too, I'm really looking forward to enjoying it this weekend :) Love that necklace, too!
I love the first picture! :)
Following from the Weekend blog hop! Your blog is so cute, lady! Have a great Friday! xx
Can't wait to see all the great salad recipes that will acquire over the next few weeks. Thanks for linking up with Fitness Friday!
Thanks! Kelly are you at Fort Jackson? We traveled there over the summer...beautiful area! Loved it there :)
Thanks Jen!
Thanx Katie! Excited to get by your blog!
Me too! Thanks again for the tip on salad dressings!
I agree, this week has draggedddddd on!!! I happy it's Friday! I made it through my first week of boot camp and needless to say I'm extremely sore. It's a great feeling though. Its hard to get to the gym for me too, so I'm happy with boot camp. Have a great weekend!! :)
I'm with you on the week dragging on!! I want to go back to 3 day work weeks!!
I love that you and your husband get a chance to sneak away....isn't holding hands fun?!?! After being today for so many years you forget to do little cute things like that! Love it!
I've been uber sore this week too! Like I can't get my coat on without moaning or raise a drink to my face! haha! It's all worth it and you're right "really" it feels good :)
I've gotta get back in the swing of things! Happy Weekend to ya, girlie!
Hi! I'm a new follower thanks to Laura @ calm delig. As a newbie fitness/health fan I love your blog! Looking forward to more posts!! :)
Kristine, I came across your blog via My Grey Desk and I look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing! I am curious to know if you thought Zero Dark Thirty was good...
I love that necklace, its adorable! Great find by your MIL!
Your blog is so cute!
Just found your blog!
Now following!
Look forward to keeping up :)
Ah! You are a Hokie family! In case I needed another reason to love you!
Looks like a fun week, Kristine!! I've said it before--your sons as adorable!! Your comment about the gym daycare cracked me up! My mom used to be one of the ladies who worked in the gym daycare and she always took me with her and I'd scream and fight until I got there, saw all my friends and all of the toys (she worked there three days a week so you'd think I'd remember it was fun after awhile..).
Found you on That Friday Blog Hop and am your newest follower. I love fitness and health and am super excited to read your future posts! Please check out my blog and follow back if you'd like :)
The Real McCoy(s)
I used to work at a gym daycare and I knew the criers before they came in ;) Our parents had to call and tell us we had kids coming, so I would put on soothing music and/or movies before they brought the kids in. I actually got them to stop crying unlike the other judgy daycare workers. Hence why I got the Christmas presents and they got diddly. You just gotta know how to handle them, and it's not your fault so don't blame yourself!
your family is so cute =)
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