Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sweet Weekends and an Updated Resume

I think I figured out something major this weekend. I've never ever been one to rock the sticker family on my back windsheild and bet my husband isn't either but if I could go on to be what I think I should be after this weekend, I would be all means proudly rock the sticker.

I figure if there are soccer moms, pta moms, classroom moms and mini van moms, shouldn't there be a pool mom??? Seriously. I really think me taking on this position could solve some problems across neighborhoods. Picking up kiddo's smothering them in sunscreen, packing fruit chews and water for the day all while hausing inflatables and beach towels?! I can handle that! And excel. If only this were a possible paid position.

Our long weekend was kid filled. My sister had her daughter, which brought me to tears too many times to count. That little girl is precious times 100. She's 7 pounds of almost makes me want another one sweetness. Her big brother stayed with us for 2 days, perfect bonding time for the boys and me.

Landon learned how to bake this weekend. He already knew what to do with the beaters so now he's learning what to do with the oven mitt. Trust me, Lance my oldest has been doing his own laundry for the last 2 years so Landon is moving right along schedule. And Mr. Lucas iced his first cake, complete with funfetti and Memorial Day decorations! He did all this while I was showering and getting ready for the day. Total surprise. Completely impressed  ;)

All that sticky, sweet sugary goodness meant we better get our sweat on. People, my Saturday morning class required, I kid you not 125 squats per leg, 125 lunges per leg. weighted. Oh my heavens, that was quite a leap from the 88 just a month ago. What happened to 10% increases? Needless to say I haven't trusted my quads since and staircases are the devil right now.

Time with grandparents is time well spent <PERIOD>
Next best thing.... time spent at the pool.

Landon goes through "NO" phases which almost everyone blames on the terrible twos. But Lucas and I are starting to think there is more to it than just that. We're thinking that as many times as we say "NO" to him is exactly how many times he says "NO" to us. Think about it... the more we are controlled the more we want to rebel. The more times we're restricted, redirected, told "NO" the more we want to yell back and have it our way. So on days we're stuck in the house or busy with errands the poor kid is limited and told "NO" repeatedly hence his tantrums and screaming fits. But on a day we hang outside/pool side he's allowed the reins. And he screams no "NO's". It's a pretty good argument for Landon's tantrums and a good one for me and my new found dream job of being a pool mom.

I'm thinking it's time to update my resume and start prospecting....
Never know, it could really take off. This guy would help out too  :)

*We of course took time to reflect and be in a moment of total gratefulness for all who have served and fallen. I wrote a little more on this yesterday.  I hope you ALL had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

So whachya think?
Pool Mom a legit job? I mean "pool man" is!
How was your Memorial Day weekend? 

*Enter for a chance at a $100 Victoria Secrets gift card Giveaway!!!
**that's the first of 2 sponsor giveaways this week! good luck!

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Linking with Weekend Shenanigans, Anything and Everything,

...happy to have Max with me this month...maxoutwidget


  1. I would like that cake please...and I will be over to get in the pool.

  2. Seriously, you're my hero. I hope to be just as active as you when I'm a mom.

  3. Looks like the perfect weekend - plus you are just so gorgeous all the time! Love your hair with those waves. and Holy crap that's a lot of squats!

  4. Let me know how the pool mom job takes off, I am in the market for a new job myself! It sounds like you had a blissful weekend with your family, I'm glad! :)

  5. Sounds like a legit job to me. I'd pay you to take the kids to the pool while I hang out in the hot tub ;) haha. My 3 year old is just too fearless and difficult to watch at the pool when we also have the baby. When we go to the pool my man had to be with us, because I haven't figured out how to do it solo yet :)

  6. Your pics are sooo cute!!! Pool mom might actually work out..when I first saw the sticker I was thinking u were going to be teaching pool exercise classes to pregnant moms lol...I was wayyyy off! But that's a pretty good idea too!! Glad you had a fun weekend and in love with the grandparents pic :-)

  7. Aww. That grandparents picture is precious.

  8. Looks like such a wonderful weekend! You looked gorgeous during every minute of it!

  9. You guys are seriously an awesome family. I love the pictures.

  10. I would kill to be a pool mom... o mean I even taught swim lessons/lifeguarded when I was in high school. I have all of the qualifications except being a mom haha. Looks like a great memorial weekend!

  11. Pool mom! Lol. Sounds like a great weekend :)


  12. That pic of you and your hubby at the gym is great! I love couples that workout together!! And if you find a job as a pool mom, that would be amazing!! ;-)


  13. I will be co-chair of the pool mom team!! :) Love it! Congrats on becoming an aunt again!! And like I have said before....you are a machine...I would die if I had to workout with you!! LOL!

  14. My senior year of high school I was a "Pool Nanny" for a few different kids in my neighborhood, it's so funny you thought of that! Best Job Ever!!!

  15. That sweet baby makes me want to get going on baby #3...and I have an eleven month old. Ha!

  16. Being a pool mom would be an amazing job! I'm not a mom yet, but i'd be a pool nanny any day. :)

    And all the pictures are absolutely adorable!

    <3 Kayla


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