Sunday, April 7, 2013

Relaxed into the weekend...

Monday *always* comes but so do the weekends, and thank God for that!

WELCOME BACK spring weather! Seems you're here to stay, no more surprise snow falls mmmm,kay?!
With you here us friends and little ones can have our backyardigans...good food, good drinks, and good times!

Filling the bird feeders and watching this little guy try to entice every bird of the neighborhood to our yard was one of the sweetest moments in my weekend. Hearing him repeatedly beg for the "biiiiirds" literally melted my heart. And when the birds finally showed up to their little feast it broke his heart that they didn't stick around to play....

As much as I wanted to just stay outdoors and play there were emails to tend to and bills to get paid. An easy outfit, sweet smoothie and quiet spot of the library made these task all the more appealing.

Green smoothies are all so popular and I'm finally giving them a try! Honestly, I couldn't taste the spinach, not at all. I made enough for everyone to have a glass and both boys asked for seconds. Believe that! It was super easy to make and convinced me that I could def sign up for the Wild and Green World Party!

Ok, I don't sweat everyday but I am sticking with my Be More Active challenge for this month :)
We got in some runs this weekend and a lot of "mental prep" for next weekends race. You know you're not a runner when you give yourself serious pep talks for upcoming races. We have our annual 10K coming up and I'm more of a 5K girl. I love running but rarely do more than 3 or 4 miles at a time so yes, I did a lot of pep talking this weekend and will be fighting the urge to get in one more practice run this week.

How was your weekend??
Has the warm weather finally hit your parts?

Look out for Mondays recipe and more "green" fun :)

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Linking with Weekend Shenanigans, Bloglovin Hop, This Weekend, I..., Moms Monday Mingle,
YOLO Mondays


  1. Looks like a great weekend, girl!! So glad the weather was glorious there as well--bills ruin everything :S Did you get my email? Have a wonderful week, we'll talk soon <3

  2. Aww what a great weekend, the picture with the bird seed is too cute!

  3. Sounds like you had a good weekend. I did some what despite a few things ya know. was hot today and suppose to be 83 tomorrow. I so got to get in a routine or something. I love coming to your blog and seeing what you post. :D

  4. Your weekend looks beautiful! The little bird story sounds adorable.
    Glad that you are doing so well with the Be More Active Challenge, keep up the amazing work hun.
    Love Gi

  5. I love, love, love that pic of your little one throwing bird seed. He is adorable!!! Looks like an awesome weekend.

  6. I love your motto to sweat everyday!! I try to but sometimes I only make it happen 4 times a week. Thanks for the motivation...I can always look at your posts and pictures when I need some :)

  7. Looks like an awesome weekend! I am soooo thankful for the Spring weather. I thought it was going to be cold FOREVER.

  8. Found you through Follow Friend Friday :)
    Seems like a good weekend!!
    I love green smoothies!
    My weekend was good.
    Warm florida weather is definitely here!

  9. Green smoothies are a huge hit in my office! We all try to eat healthy here. :)

    Your pictures are so nice! Clearly, you have an awesome camera!

  10. I'm a big fan of the green smoothie too! They taste delish to me.. except I like to put a lot of berries in mine and then they take on a bit brown hue with the other stuff in them. Not so appetizing ;)

  11. How about you come to Baton Rouge, kick my booty into working out as much as I used to! And force me to eat healthier :-)! Please and thank you!
    Love your pics as always!

  12. more power to you!!! The green smoothie idea is great!! You keep rocking it and seems to be working!!

  13. Looks like a great weekend!
    Spring is finally here in my area, too. I was able to get a 4 mile run in!

    Visit Forward From The Heart

  14. I think I might be up for the Green Challenge...I've heard it's a really good thing, so why not???

    And your little boy looks so cute feeding the birds! How sweet!

  15. What a little cutie! Looks like you guys had a great weekend :) Happy Monday!

  16. I'm more of a 5k girl too, but doing my first 10k with a friend last year was a fun accomplishment! I wish I would have trained for it a little bit, but I survived. My goal was to run the whole time, and I did!

    I'm intrigued by all this mention of green smoothies...I must try it!


  17. The green of the smoothie makes me fact I think it's the texture. I'm going to have to pep talk myself to try some. Hehe I seriously love libraries and the quiet time. Is it weird that's one thing I miss about college?! Lol and I'm excited to hear about your big race. You go girl.

  18. i must try one of those green smoothies! i have heard that you can't taste the spinach.

    Sisters Marie
    Start your child's closet on BTGTF!

  19. I'm going to have to finish off the month EXTRA active, because I've still been sick and haven't been able to work out at all since Friday :( So sad.


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