Friday, April 5, 2013

Love me a FRIDAY!

Short and sweet post for ya!
That's how my week has been, short and sweet. Changing my work hours//days has been the best idea ever! Lovin' the extra time at home :) just gotta remember.... one thing at a time. I can't be the only one who wants to do it all, all at once?!!


1// My sweet Zina and Landon! Between the nice weather and our extra time at home, I was on cloud nine.

2// getting in some fun time with my girls this weekend! The gang is getting together for a cookout, I already have my drinking glass in hand and hubs has requested his typical PBR, now to figure what food to bring?!

3// kind of obsessed with avocado's lately. Do you like avocado's? This one isn't quite ripe but that's how you want it for oven baked avocados - delish, sprinkled with cheese! You know how else I love avocado's? With bacon, on a sandwich of turkey.

4// If you don't know, I work in dentistry. The first 9 years were spent in surgical offices and the last 4 years have been orthodontics and general. I've never worn braces, never needed them functionally but cosmetically I've always wanted to tweak a few teeth. So I've committed to 3 months of Invisalign. It's been one day and I already want to quit! haha!!

5// Happy mail day!!! I'd been thinking about purchasing one of these Erin Condren planners and randomly visited the site. Lucky me, the promo code was half off with purchase of planner and sticker. I got in on the last day of it and saved beacoup money! Definite case where procrastination paid off :)

For the record, I'm still incredibly sore from Wednesday's fun fitness. Totally shocked and surprised that jumping around for an hour could leave me feeling crippled. I literally spent half the day picking up a leg to cross them like a lady. It effected my running too! What should have been an evening run became a walk. As much as I like to keep up with my goals that run just wasn't gonna happen! I needed a rest!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.


  1. Loving the Erin planner! I just got one too! I use it all the time, they are so fun!


    =) Brooke

  2. i'm so happy we had two days of warmer weather - we went on walks and I love it! and I love avacados too! they are so good!!!

  3. Did you fall in love with your LifePlanner as soon as you opened it? I did! I'm kinda wondering how I ever functioned without mine!

  4. Yum, avocado is SO good! I could eat guac everyday! My hubby would love to get Invisalign...he had braces when he was younger but never wore the retainer so his teeth didn't stay where they were supposed to. :( But that stinks that it's painful already!

    The Tiny Heart

  5. Happy Friday!! You are so right!! I definitely need to reflect more on the things that make my life beautiful:)

  6. I have yet to try a avocado..I feel like I may be missing something!

  7. LOVE avocados, eat a few/week... but I've never baked them. Now I'm off to Pinterest to find a recipe!

  8. I love avocados! I've never tried them baked though!

  9. I can honestly say I have never had an avocado...

  10. Happy Friday! You have sparked my interest with invisiline! Let me know what you think - I am so tempted to try do it! Have a great weekend and fun at your cookout!!

  11. Happy Friday!! I've got avocado's on the grocery list.. one of my faves!!

  12. Yes, I LOVE avocados! I go through them like crazy. Happy Friday!

  13. I'm not even a huge fan of avocados, but that one looks delish. Have fun with your girls, I love friend time! XOXO

  14. I love avocados, I love them mashes and mixed with some sweet milk. Oh but for some strange reason, avocados make my tongue itchy. Do you get an itchy tongue too after eating avocados? Oh and that planner is adorbs!!!!

  15. I love avocado's too and they are in season now so they are super cheap! LOVE IT! You can see my Friday Faves here:


  16. That's awesome that you work in dentistry! I've wanted to but I get squeamish easily, so I probably wouldn't be able to. Good for you though!

    Have a great weekend!

  17. Looks like a good week, girlfriend! Love, love, love the new personalized book and stickers! And girls nights are the best--I have one tonight with one of my best friends :D Have a fab weekend!

  18. Avocados are my favorite. I love them! Happy weekend!

  19. Oven baked avocado... I will definitely have to try that! And jealous of your Erin Condren planner....I really want one!

  20. I really want an Erin planner! I found out about them too late this year! :(

  21. Ok so I kept seeing your blog button on all my favorite blogs and I finally had the time to sit down at my computer and click on the link and discover you. I think I might've posted a comment on your blog once before, but today I actually had the chance to go through your blog and read a couple posts.

    Safe to say, I am officially a reader. I love your blog, I really do! I look forward to reading more :)

  22. Have a great weekend!! Seeing an orthodontist myself next week, same reason, would like a little tweak- a little nervous!!! X

  23. So glad you're enjoying the extra time at home! Love Erin Conrad and am jealous of your deal! Have fun with the girls. Ps PBR is also my hubs favorite blast from the past...

  24. I have been loving avocados, too! A friend tells me she eats them with her scrambled eggs - never tried it but probably will soon.

  25. Just found your blog and loving it! Stopping in from A cup Full of Sass. :)

  26. Oh my goodness, well I would definitely agree that you needed rest!! Have a fantastic weekend!

  27. LOVE avocado! Especially on a good sandwich!!!!

  28. Yummy love avocados and your cute blog! I'm a new follower! Found you on Gayles Smiles are Contagious! Stop by sometime!

    Have a great sunday!

  29. I Love avocados!! Didn't know it until I went to Mexico and had it every day. lol Before I stayed home with my kids I worked in the dental field. I was a assistant for an oral surgeon (my favorite) and also have worked in ortho and endo. Do you assist?

  30. Thanks a million and please continue the enjoyable work.부산달리기


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