Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saved the Best for Last! Weekend Recap

This weekend, I realized that last years February was just more fun than this years.
I'm a little p.o.'ed about this and feel that March must make up for it!!

cape henry beach trip, family at the beach
For example, we enjoyed a long weekend getaway at the beach (this time) last year. We combed empty beaches enjoying 70 degree temps, climbed lighthouses and dined while the boys got their gaming on at the arcade. Basically, I spent a chunk of my weekend checking availability and our calendar for a March vacay.

Despite everyone's encouragement to take the little guy to the circus this weekend, we opted for a local kids expo. Good thing, because we experienced complete public humiliation due to an overstimulated toddler. I am blessed with two very strong willed boys. These kids will grow up to be amazing adults and leaders. Meanwhile they are hardcore fighters for what they want, with little sense of common rules. Before the furious fit took place, Landon enjoyed balloons, a petting zoo, fitness fun, and met da-da-da-Dora!

The rest of our time was slotted with backyard and neighborhood exercise, food prep, an overload of pinteresting & dropboxing, brotherly love and whipping up an incredible giveaway for you!!!!

Time flies when you're having fun! Hey, I'm also considering a 7 day cleanse. I've read gobs of info on a specific one, but I'm curious....have any of you tried a cleanse? What were your results and would you recommend it or do it again? I'll compare your suggestions to what I'm considering and gather a post on this topic during the month of March! And, of course, share it's results with you!!

We're all set for another work week......
and I've you got you all set for a chance to win one HUGE Prize!!!
whatchya waiting for? go enter!

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Linking with YOLO Mondays Weekend Shenanigans, Miscellany Mondays, Monday Meetups, This Weekend, Tea on Tuesdays and Just Because


  1. glad you had a great weekend. everyone needs a good weekend ever so often LOL. hope you have a great week to come. and wow....I'd love to live near the beach

  2. Oh how I love Sweet Frog! So good. :)

  3. I'm actually starting a cleanse tomorrow. I am doing the Advocare 24-day Challenge and the first 10 days in an herbal cleanse. I'm looking forward to seeing what changes I see in my energy levels and stuff.

  4. I've done this one seven day diet before, and I have mixed feelings. You can look it up, it's literally just called "the seven day diet". When I stick to it all seven days, I definitely drop like 5-6 pounds and feel a lot better. It looks something like this:

    Day 1 - Eat only fruit
    Day 2 - Eat only vegetables
    Day 3 - Eat only fruits & vegetables
    Day 4 - Eat only bananas & skim milk
    Day 5 - Eat only lean meat & tomatoes
    Day 6 - Eat only lean meat & veggies
    Day 7 - Eat this weird cabbage soup

    Here is a link to better info:

    But yeah, I usually would do this diet just to drop a few pounds super fast (naughty, I know!), but I have to say, since it cuts out all cane sugars and wheat & stuff, you definitely don't feel weighed down or groggy or anything all week. The fruit & veggie days can be tough, but I really liked this diet/cleanse!

  5. I tried the cleanse Lynette mentioned above and it was pretty tough, but I did drop a few pounds and we kinda quit it once we got to the weekend. My husband did the south beach diet at the beginning of the year and loved it (I am pregnant again now, so I didn't participate)

  6. I love your beach picture!! We didn't do a cleanse per say but we did the whole30 plan (google whole30 or whole9 life) it's super strict paleo and ultimately changed the way we eat!! Curious to see what you end up doing :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Glad you had a good weekend. You just made me want some sweet frog!

  8. Sounds like a fab weekend!!

  9. Looks like an awesome weekend!
    I have been wanting to do a cleanse too! Let us know what you do!
    Happy Monday to you! :)

  10. As much as i'm not a beach person I would definitely rather be at one that in this mess of a snow blizzard weather. Ugh!! Looks like you had a great weekend.


  11. Combing the beach off-season is the best! And it's awesome you guys got a group picture!

  12. Looks like you had a fun weekend! I have never done a cleanse. I think I would be too hungry! Have you started it yet?

  13. I'm really interested in a cleanse too, but I don't think it's a good idea to cleanse while in the middle of half marathon training. So for now, I'm going to clean up my eating by simple swaps.

  14. Girl, I am right there with ya with the fit throwing. Things have gotten a little better since my girls have gotten older. They are pretty chill in public, but Dear God, there are some throw downs at home!!! Geesh! Looks like a fun weekend!!

  15. What a fun weekend!?! And I've always been interested in a cleanse but never have the discipline to do one...

  16. I am blessed with very strong willed children too-- I just think, someday it will be for good right? :)

  17. Hey there, I am a new follower from the GFC blog hop. Happy to be following you here on the blog and look forward to see what you got coming up. :) I have an awesome giveaway going on right now. Have you ever heard of Firmoo? It is an online optical store, but they have some super cute glasses & sunglasses, prescription & non-prescription, and they are giving away some specs on my blog! Love for you to swing by and check it out. You can enter the giveaway here Talk with ya soon!

  18. Just found your blog! Your boys are adorable! New follower!! :)


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