Friday, December 28, 2012

High Five for FRIDAY

Seriously, it's already Friday?! Does it feel like Friday to anyone else?
Ahhhh, the week after Christmas, such a lazy time of the year.
And now we have another long weekend to ring in the NEW YEAR!!

Linking up with Lauren for High Five for Friday....


1// In my opinion, this is the time of the year for shoe shopping!! Clearance items are everywhere ranging from winter to summer styles. Hells to the yes.

2// For those who may not know...this is how you access an attic in a home built before the 80's! And that's where the Christmas stuff is going ASAP! I love the decor and Christmas Spirit but we need our "spaces" back.

3// My Christmas Spirit rose up a notch or 500 when I got this Dooney and Burke bag from Santa :)
Love the combo of camel and black. Well done Santa, well done.

4// A trip to Whole Food Living! I love changing it up and even got the hubby to join me on this grocery shopping trip. What?! A husband goes grocery shopping with wife?!! Amazing. I might have even convinced him to meet me there for lunch...a glass of wine and a yummy cafe lunch... seems like a grand idea.

5// Happy New Year to all of you!!! This pic is from last year but tonight we squared away our sitter and started discussing plans. Hubby and I really love this holiday. I would almost say this and the 4th of July are our favorites. We're looking forward to dining out and ringing in the New Year sans kiddos!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.


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  1. I too, can't wait to do some clearance shopping! We grew up with that kind of attic access too. I used to love opening it up and climbing up and down the ladder!

    1. Haha! Both my boys love the climb and search of the attic! I remember being the same way as a kid too!

  2. Yay for shoe shopping! That's such a fun bag!

  3. Hi Kristine! I totally agree that having your space back after Christmas is a fantastic feeling. My weekend agenda includes the same thing.

    1. Yay! Glad I'm not alone in this! I almost felt bad saying this b/c so many leave the decor up for 12 days after Christmas!!

  4. I had to walk by DSW yesterday. It was the hardest thing to do. I had already spent too much money at that point. :(


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

    1. I know what you mean! I set aside a pinch of money just for the clearance sales...learned last year! I've got to hop over to your blog, love the title!

  5. i get sad putting decorations away but do like the extra space!

  6. J complains about grocery shopping every week yet he is always this first one in the car to go :-) Men!

  7. Thanks Altex! Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you!

  8. Yes! I love shoe shopping this time of year. Already scored a few pairs. :)

  9. Looks like you had a wonderful week, Kristine! I'm totally jealous of your gift from Santa!! I know what to ask for next year.. :) P.S. Your outfit in picture one is adorable!!

  10. Love the boots and bag of course!! I swear we are incredibly similar!! I was at our local health foods market this last week with my hubby too! I love that place :)

  11. aren't you a cutie! New follower from the blog hop.

  12. Whole Foods is my favorrrrite - I don't go nearly enough. And I LOVE your boots in the first pic :)

  13. that's such a cute bag! i love the colors and everything about it!
    and thanks so much for linking up at almost friday thursday blog hop!
    i am glad to be a follower of your lovely blog and am looking forward to new posts in the new year!

  14. I'm scared to go shopping because there are so many sales and I'll just want to buy everything! Love your new bag!
    Happy New Year!
    Jeans and a Teacup


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