Thursday, December 27, 2012

25 Healthy Snacks to Flatten Out Holiday Buldge

Eat more to weigh's a proven mantra but I doubt it's meant for the foods we were grazing, over the holidays.

It wasn't the meal that got was the "buffet like" spread of appetizers and finger foods. Oh, it's so hard to say no to another scoop of creamy crab dip or another slice of Grandma's chocolate cake, and the bubbly soda sitting so temptingly next to cups, ready filled with ice...ohhhh, don't even remind me of my stocking stuffers. oh.meee.gosh.

Some say calories don't count during the holidays but I can tell from just one day of saying -- "oh,well" -- that, they do. They count. And they add up fast. My tummy just isn't used to this bulging, overstuffed feeling. And now, the taste of those yummy treats are in my mind and therefore the craving for those foods is sure to creep up, in the days to come.

So, to help move on from the holidays and the treats that have filled our homes since the onslaught...
(going back to Halloween) I've made a Go-To list of healthy snacks.

best healthy snacks, good healthy snacks, good snacks, healthy snack ideas
Eating more to weigh less is true when done correctly. They recommend 3 meals and 2/3 snacks. But really it's up to you. You might be able to eat 3 square meals and never want a snack during the in-between or you may be one who needs 5 smalls meals throughout the day.
What methods work for you?

The snacks in white are either my faves or ones I'd like to try soon! I lie. They are all my faves except for the tomato one (which I now see I spelled wrong!) Anways.....

How about you? What are your go-to healthy snacks? 
Lets make this list bigger!

AND!!! Don't forget to enter the incredible GIVEAWAY via Katie at For Lauren and Lauren.

I've linked with Follow Who Weekend Social give them a look,see may be a hop your interested in!

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  1. pickles are something i wish i could eat more of. as a kid i ate them all the time and now i can't stand them!
    thanks so much for linking up at the almost friday thursday blog hop. i am glad to be following your blog now and thanks so much for following mine :)

  2. This is such a good list! I am still traveling for the holidays and it is to keep up with my normally good eating habits! I am looking forward to getting home and getting back on track! Lightly salted roasted chickpeas are a go-to snack for me. So yummy!

  3. My fave go-to snack at work is usually some nuts and some craisins. I love the sweet/salty. I tried to do the five meals a day thing, but it's a lot of work to plan that all out and have to bring most of it to work =\ Lately I've just been doing three meals and maybe a small snack here and there to keep from overeating the rest of the time. I think the key is to not let yourself get so hungry from one meal to the next to the point that you end up stuffing your face :p


  4. Great post for after the holidays! :) One of my favorite (kind of) healthy snacks is almonds and peanut m&m's mixed together. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!!

  5. This is a fantastic list! I would like to add sweet potatoe chips, handful of almonds, and oatmeal with some chocolate chips thrown in. Ok that last one should really be a breakfast but if its a small package of oatmeal it could be a snack too. :o) Esther Norine Designs

    1. Never mind on the almonds, I just realized its number 18. Add in the sweet potatoe chips. They're awesome! :)

  6. I love this list! Thanks for posting! A snack I've been loving lately is sliced tomato with salt and pepper on top of whole wheat crackers spread with Laughing Cow cheese!

  7. Great list!! I'll have to come back to this during my next shopping trip. My favorite snack is chobani's yogurt!

  8. Wonderful list! Thank you for the reminders. I was just thinking about my clean foods!

    Stopping by via the link up at quite the blog.

  9. Banana ice cream. Made from pureeing frozen bananas in the food processor until smooth. Drizzled with a little honey? Cures my ice cream craving. Cause I LOVE some ice cream.

  10. Thanks for sharing some truly yummy and healthy snacks!! Motivating me to get back on the diet and off the sweets! :)
    Thank you so much for linking up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop last week. I am following you by the way. :)

    If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! (Thank you so very much if you've already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)

    Come and link up, enter the giveaway (if you haven't yet) and celebrate the coming weekend with us!


    Jean {What Jean Likes}

  11. Thanks for the list of healthy snacks, this sure is going to be helpful after all the food I've eaten during the holidays...... :p


  12. I just bought a juicer so I'm hoping to increase my health that way!! woot woot! Cute blog! Just found you from the giveaway over at For Lauren and Lauren! hoping you can help keep me motivated to eat right! ha.

  13. So do you think you have to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner? I just got back from a cruise where I ate 3 huge meals a day and gained 5 lbs. I don't usually eat lunch at home because I get too busy or forget. Is it bad to not eat lunch?


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  14. Thanks for the list! I am always looking for more healthy snacking ideas! Found your blog through the Aloha hop! Would love a visit from you over at Moms Surviving Kids!
    Happy New year!


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