Monday, August 5, 2013

Pinterest for the Blog and Home

I feel like I know my way around this new city I now call "home" better than I do my own blog!
Awkward. Maybe I shouldn't go a week between posts, ehhh?!

But, it seems I go in phases when it comes to my obsessions with the internets. First it was Myspace. I had to figure it all out the very first night. I needed to have the pictures, the videos, the right song selected and of course my friends organized just right. Thankfully, Facebook took over that obsession. Next up, Instagram. Oh, I was in love with Instagram. And Twitter... man, I had no clue what I was doing on Twitter back then. This was all followed by an obsession with Pinterest...which took me to blogs.

Then it seemed all I wanted to do was read blogs. Blogland had it all. Blogland sucked me in for hours each night. Then I had to have a blog of my own. I have a light to share. It varies from fitness motivation to lifestyle to recipes to army wife life. And it's my little piece in this endless land of blogs. I love the time I spend here working on me and catching up with you.

Somewhere in my drafts are words about which platform promotes a blog best. I feel you will promote your blog best on the platform you're most comfortable with but what about others who intentionally (or not) promote your blog?

Is the best platform determined by the main substance of your blog or by the reader?

Moving into a new home has me curious about ways to decorate. Making a house a home inspires me to be creative, figure new color combos and space plan rooms perfectly. I opened Pinterest for the first time this past week in what seems like forever.

Parts of this new home are intimating to decorate. I searched Pinterest for "decorating tall walls". Our main space has walls that stretch two stories high. I now have windows requiring curtain lengths of more than 92" when standard is 84"... what's a girl to do for solutions and ideas? Duh, she searches Pinterest.

I had noticed Pinterest as a heavy traffic source to my blog. And, with a little time and digging I learned that sweet Lisette has been a major contributor to the traffic hitting my blog. Little did she know pinning this post from my blog months ago would create a consistent traffic flow. Food, home decor, weddings and fashion take over Pinterest. But any image is pinable. When Lisette pinned fitspo from my blog, I'm guessing she had no idea the power behind that gesture. That same post was tweeted by this man who has over 13K followers. (such an awesome moment!) While he knows the power behind his tweets, he may not have known the surreal surge of hits to my blog in that one day.

CASE IN POINT.... The attention created by his tweet died out that same day. The tweet was buried within hours. The pin however is still being showcased and tossed around every day. It maintains and sends traffic on the daily. That pin has been repinned 678 times and holds 147 likes... now, consider how many more shares the pin has from those 678 and there's literally no limit. Thank you Lisette, thank you!!!

I'm blown away by the influence Pinterest holds.

Are you using Pinterest to grow your blog and promote others material? You should be!

And that's enough for a Monday read!
This is Lucas's first day back to work after nearly 2 months off. It's Lance's last Monday of summer break, he starts 7th grade later this week! And Landon has finally started saying Army, although he still calls any man in ACU's "daddy".  As for me, I'm still starring at these huge walls wondering what in the world.... and today I'm testing the altitude rumor as I walk/run my 3.1 for Maggie, a virtual race hosted by Simply Sami!

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Linking with Weekend Shenanigans, Monday Morning Gossip

...happy to have Merrie with me this month...


  1. I'm basically obsessed with Pinterest. I'd definitely say it's what got me into blogging, too. Still haven't had much traffic from that source but I'm hoping to once I start posting about the DIY plans I have for our house.

  2. OMG girl, we have got to catch up (or better yet, meet up for lunch sometime when I'm back in CO!)!! Your house seems beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures/see how you decorate <3

  3. My house growing up had a two story living room wall and it never really was decorated properly because we had no idea what to do with it. Good luck with your oversized wall, I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  4. Hope you love your new home. Excited to follow adventures, and also follow your runs!

  5. I hope you are loving your new home, it's fun to decorate and see how it all comes together. :)

  6. I use Pinterst mainly to make me laugh! HAHA!

  7. Oh wow! That's awesome! So glad to hear that it was repinned so many times!

    P.S. I'm a no-reply blogger right now as I'm in the middle of battling with Google+.

  8. I have been pretty obsessed with pinterest for a long time now and have literally learned so much from it- like, how to cook for example.. :) I have been amazed by the traffic it brings me as well. Have fun decorating!

  9. Hi its kim from kimberlys korner. I wanted to email you something but don't see you email on here or on your facebook page. Can you email it to me? thanks.

  10. That looks like such a beautiful room! I understand how it might be intimidating though! Have you ever thought about getting an art quilt? Most people only think of quilts as country-ish style decorations, but there are a lot of really unique, artsy quilt wall hangings out there!

    My grandmother was an artist and that was the medium she started using in her last few years. I inherited her Matisse quilt and it really creates a huge impact in my dining room!

  11. I love Pinterest! Can't wait to hear about your virtual 5k!

  12. I got into blogging from pinterest too! It is so amazing to see how quickly content from a blog and spread so quickly!

  13. Girl I never use Printrest. It confuses me, but I think I am going to start. I have huge cathedral walls and they need decoration. I however suck at being domestic, but you have kind of inspired me.

  14. Stumbled upon your blog today from Kisses and Croissants.

    LOVE your blog! So excited to sponsor you next month!


  15. Definitely like to use Pinterest for designing ideas! Good luck!

    Purrincup Blog

  16. Pinterest is SO dangerous but also gets my creative juices flowing!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  17. I guest posted recently about how important is for your blog! totally agree!

  18. Ooh, I can't wait to see it once you finish!

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  21. OMG girl, we have got to catch up (or better yet, meet up for lunch sometime when I'm back in CO!) Your house seems beautiful and I can't wait to see more pictures/see how you decorate

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