Thursday, April 18, 2013

When I Grow Up...

This is cool. Makes my 30something year old self not feel so old :)
Since I've got a ton more to do on this spinning 'round & 'round awesome little planet, lets talk....

When I Grow Up.....

I'll run a half and kill it
and have the B.A.double.L's to run a group fitness class too.

I'll learn to not stand downwind of little mans farts
And see poop before stepping in it...

I'll still harass street "artists"
yes, these are always vodka infused fun times.

I won't have any other children than the two I do (sorry mom and dad)
I'll make time for regular haircuts, manicures and pedi's
I'll actually make a cleaning schedule and stick with it
I'll have my very own roomsized closet
I'll probably wear sunblock religiously
I'll still be happy, go lucky me but better
I'll have finally mastered my fear of stupid karaoke (nah, nevermind)
And mastered any other insecurities, we all have them and we don't need them!

I'll still be wearing wedges over stiletto's
and hopefully have a collection of running shoes not just $5 dolla flip flops.

I'll travel. to every beach. every island. ok, maybe not every but you get the idea

I'll be loving up on two beautiful daughter in laws :))

I'll maybe be kissing the Army goodbye.
Don't get me wrong... I do love the ARMY but we'll buy a home and really put down some roots

I'll still be loving the life out of this man

There's so much more, I know there is but this is where the fun ends!

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  1. This is so great!

  2. AWWW I love the daughter in law part and the one about your hubs! To sweet!

  3. Your kids are so stinkin cute!!!!!!!!

  4. You are beautiful (which I knew) but omg do you look SO pretty in these pics!! And I hope to be kissing the Army goodbye soon too... not for at least 3 more years woof. Loved this!

  5. This is adorable! What a great idea.. to make worthwhile promises to yourself. I just can't get over how cute you are, though! haha!

  6. Stopping by from the link up.. you and your boys are beautiful! And the group fitness class thing? Uhh, you look like you could kick my booty, so I say go for it!

  7. Love your list! The pic of you and the street artist is too funny.
    I want to do this link up but I feel old so saying grow up means 40s or 50s? yikes

  8. I love this Kristine!! Also love that you are a too! And your beauty shines through your blog!!! I'm so happy to be able work with you (on your sidebar of course)!!!

  9. Love this post, Kristine. It made me smile.

  10. Totally didnt know you were in your 30s....which means, when I grow up I want to have your body!!!
    I would totally come to fitness class and I'm pretty pumped to know that I won't get arrested the next time I go to New Orleans and act on my urge to touch those street ppl!

  11. you could totally teach a fitness class girl!! dooooo it!

  12. So sweet! Made me appreciate what i have and add a few things to the list! Hello Beach!

  13. I love this! I really like how you remembered little things like not stepping in poop! It's things like that that I hope for in my grownup life haha
    With Luck Blog

  14. This is so amazing, you are one blessed lady! :)

  15. Ohhhh, I love this!! :) :) so sweet!

  16. Ya, I know the feeling...turned 30 this´s surreal..."Damsel in Dior" another blogger had made a very similar post about it...very supporting as well! You should check it out!

  17. love your list!!! I would totally come to your fitness class!!!

  18. I totally teared up at the part about daughter in laws... I'm about to become a daughter in law myself! Cute post <3

  19. This is so sweet! Your boys are adorable. Also, just thought you might like to know....I'm follower 1,000!!!! :D Congrats!
    I found you through Tarole's giveaway.

  20. Ohhh this is such a good post!! Roomsized closet, sunblock, wedges over stilettos, go to every beach ahhh..I completely agree with all of this!! You will make an awesome mother in law too, lucky ladies!

  21. Found you through the blog hop and am so excited to read more!! I'm in complete agreement about visiting every island!!

  22. I'd love to really put down some roots myself, and I'm not even associated with the Army. All the beaches sound nice too :)

  23. New follower via the Bloglovin Collective! Love a follow back! Thanks! Alaina from Bullock's Buzz.

  24. This was so much fun to read! I'm sad I missed this link up. Can I join you for the manicures and pedicures?

    I found your blog through twitter (a few of my favorite bloggers are following you) and I love it! Can't wait to read more!

    The DIY Frenchie

  25. B.A. double L. S. Love it!
    This is a great list... there is no escaping little man farts though... I'm sure!

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