Friday, March 22, 2013

Love me a FRIDAY!

This past month, I've been cruising along in the slow lane. The life's slow lane lets you focus on the NOW. The moments are treasured a bit longer and feelings are a bit sweeter. But, then there are times you feel like you better get moving! You look ahead and see there is so much going on that you're not quite ready for. Over the last few days, I've put my blinker on - just waiting for my pass into the fast lane.  You may already know but if you don't, we're reporting to Fort Carson in August. This means our house will be packed and shipped by June! As a mother (and an army wife) there is an incredible amount of things to consider and accomplish between now and the start of summer. Last nights break from reality and this mornings workout gave me the boost I needed to swerve over into the fast lane. I think I've envisioned enough to finally sit down and pen out my plan. I want to be sure I cross every T and dot every I, ensuring that we're really ready for this big move. If we do it just right then the last two months between movers and a cross country drive can be spent vacationing and hanging with family and friends, putting us back in the slow lane of life :) Now just wish me luck!


heartshapedsweat, h54f

1// amazing! Miss Carrie Underwood did not disappoint. Such an incredible voice and exciting performance. She's living proof that risk are worth taking, hard work pays off and dreams can come true.

2// and that would be the most delicious slice of pizza ever. Hubs and I stuffed our faces with salad and gluten free, spinach and mushroom pizza.

3// uh, the obligatory "we were there" picture.

4// you can go into your workout as pretty as you want BUT you best come out a sweaty hot mess!
* up to 25in30 in my 30in30 challenge! woot!woot!

5// can't even measure my excitement when I saw this new piece of equipment!!! Hubs took me to a new gym this morning and holy sweat drops this thing is a beast. After a mile run and TRX, we created our own WOD's and pretty much killed it. Felt great. And even though I was shaking from head to toe after we completed our workout I seriously feel 100 x's better today than I have all week. I promise you sometimes all you need is one hell of a workout to get back to feeling awesome.

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.

What has been your all time favorite concert?
And, what's been your favorite workout lately?

Hope you all have plans for a fun weekend! 
There's a fun giveaway in store for you next week :)

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Are you following Heart Shaped Sweat via Bloglovin or some other way? I want to stay connected with you! Be sure to comment with your link so I can follow back!

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  1. Carrie Underwood is so awesome live, one of the best shows I have seen. Glad you had a good time. :)

  2. Holy cow that pizza looks delicious! You are doing so good with your 30in30 challenge, I am a proud blogger friend! Keep it up! :)

  3. Pretty awesome! Best concert i ever went to lol i don't have one but my list is, Backstreet Boys, NKOTB, Zac Brown Band, Brittany Spears of course.

  4. Hey! :) that pizza looks yummy! Where is it from? I am always looking for a yummy gluten free pizza :) I cant imagine all of the change coming your way in the next couple of months but those at Ft. Carson are SO lucky to have you! They are just going to love you!! :)
    Rebecca :)

  5. That pizza does look delicious. :)

    My favorite concert... I don't know, we've seen quite a few, some good, some eh, but none that really stood out as a favorite.

    I'm visiting today from Friday Chaos and I'm your latest follower.

  6. Congratulations on being blog of the week on Friday Chaos. The pictures are lovely. I have not been to a concert in a very long time. I do Yoga exercises but really should try some more rigorous exercises. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Have a good weekend.

  7. Hey chicka! Happy Friday! I love me a Friday too shug! :D I'm glad you had a blast at Carrie Underwood. I am glad she put on a good show. Exericse well...let's see I wish I had the will power and motivation like you. You look great hun! and I'm sure your hubby thinks so too. right? What has been your all time favorite concert? I'd have to say Puddle of Mudd and Papa Roach!
    And, what's been your favorite workout lately? work out. ..well I've been getting on the stationary bike once or twice a day except for today b/c it was cold and rainy and the bike is outside. I usually get on when I let the dog out. Hope you have a great weekend darlin!

    I'm pretty sure you know my link but here it is again!

    Cant wait to hear from you darlin.

  8. Totally agree about needing a good workout to raise your spirits which I suppose means I should be at crossfit right now. ooops.

  9. Oooohmygod, that slice of pizza looks so intense and delicious, wow! I may have just decided what I`m having for dinner tonight ;)

    Some Snapshots Blog

  10. I would love to see Carrie Underwood in concert!


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