Friday, January 25, 2013

Love me a FRIDAY

It happens every night before bed. No worries, I'm not getting mushy or TMI on you. All I'm mentioning is that I take the dog out to water the lawn. Normally this consist of me shivering and rushing her to take care of business but last night I stood on the smallest of front door rugs and watched the first snow flake fall. Then the next and all that followed. The below 20 degree weather wasn't sending chills down my spine like it normally would. I was lost in the darkness of the night counting flakes that drifted so slowly to my front steps. Last night was the first time I truly enjoyed a snow fall. I stood there quietly, alone and smiling. In that moment Zina spared me from the normal routine of her darting back in the house and off to bed, instead my thoughts and stresses of the week just faded away like each flake hitting the ground.


1// easy, breezy. getting down with the cool kids on the block. those kids being mine and that block being the neighborhood school's playground.

2// our second snowfall of the year. hometown doesn't see much more than a few inches.

3// fun, new way to wear a scarf! make a loop, put that on then take tails and figure out how to braid it yourself, haha!

4// it's hot cocoa says the me the coffee snob. making the work day a little better.

5// yes, that will be my Saturday morning motto. I'm changing up the workout routine this weekend by hitting up a local Crossfit gym open house. uber excited and a little nervous for the opportunity!

P.S. Yesterday's #whatsonyoursalad post was lots of fun, it's running through the weekend if you'd like to add your link! Thank you to all that linked up and made my day and inspired some healthy bites for the coming week. Just one more week of this, let's keep it going!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.


Let Them Eat Cake
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  1. what a nice moment in the snow! and I love your scarf! happy weekend kristine!

  2. I love your new scarf, so pretty. :)

  3. You are so beautiful!! inside & out. Have the best of weekends!!

  4. I constantly forget that you're a mom and that you're not 20. You honestly look 20. Like a hot 20 year old, not a college student who's put on a few pounds and lives off of Ramen and Flamin' Hot Cheetos. LOL.
    Love how you styled that scarf! Definitely need to try that!

  5. What a cute way to wear a scarf! I love how you incorporate fun in everything you do, I enjoy reading about it! My friend joined a crossfit gym a little bit ago and she loves it. I can't wait to hear about your experience. Have a fabulous weekend! :)

  6. Visiting from H54F. Love the way you're wearing your scarf - very pretty!

  7. Would love to know how Crossfit goes! We are suppose to get our first snow dusting tonight:) Love your blog!

  8. Snow!! Glad you got to enjoy it! Gonna have to check out the #whatsonyoursalad post! Your scarf is adorable. Gonna have to try that too. Have a great weekend!

  9. These pictures look so fun! I'm glad you had fun in the snow.

  10. beautiful photos :)

    im following you. mind follow me back? :)
    visit my blog ^^

  11. Snow makes me so happy! We finally got some real snow in Chicago last night. I love it!

  12. i love those rockin boots girl =)

  13. I want to try Crossfit next time they have an open house at our gym too! It seems daunting, but awesome.

  14. OMG! I found a gym class addict like myself??!?! And not a New-Years-Resolution-Just-Give-Up-The-Spin-Bike-Because-You're-Not-Coming-Back-Next-Week-Anyway type of class goer? Love it! New follower yayyy!

  15. mmmmm. love snow.

    new follower! nice to be here!!!


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