Friday, November 9, 2012

High Five for FRIDAY

Friday! oh, how I've been looking forward to you!
Why has this week dragged on and on? 
Maybe it was the time change, maybe it's the darker evenings or maybe I just need to work less days during the week. 
But what working mom doesn't say that? 

Lets go for another round of High Five for Friday! Link up with all the fun at From My Grey Desk.

Each of you and Lauren should know just how much I love a H54F post.
It makes my little Friday all the better and entertains me all day Friday at work. 


1// Can you say 5.99?! I'm in love with this scarf and have bragging rights on it costing less than 6 buck-a-roos. Another right I own....this woven wrap of a beauty is from a glorious end cap of Walgreens. Hilarious!!!

2// This pic is 5 years old. Both of us remember the night perfectly. It marks the start of something bigger than either of us saw coming. He still looks at me the same way he did that night. Love is a beautiful thing.

3// This little booger is seriously entering the terrible twos, prematurely. He was lazy to crawling, lazy to walking. So way to excel kid! (; I say this with all the love in my heart ;)

4// This big guy finished off his 2012 football season. We're all so proud of him and his team. They rocked their league winning 8 games, only loosing 3. Great coaching, awesome sportsmanship and real memories to take with us to Colorado's team, next year.

5// Simply put.....Hot Cocoa on a cold day. You could compare it to a love of Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte. (I've got to quit being a Starbucks snob)

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.



  1. Your blog design looks great Kristine! :) I've enjoyed following you!

  2. Love reading your posts and the hot choco looks good!

  3. Nothing better than a nice hot cocoa on a cold day. Epitome of Fall/Winter.

  4. I love your High Fives! Especially the scarf! Hilarious, but I'm so going to get one! LOVE your blog! Happy Weekend!!

  5. WHAT! That scarf is awesome!! Great find! Happy Friday!


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