Friday, November 16, 2012

High Five for FRIDAY

TGIF is so 1990''s way cooler to say H54F.
Sticking with the best of Friday Link up's, hosted by Lauren, here's to another week survived!

I bring you evidence that this family needs a vacation!
Considering a vacay is not an option, seeing as all money is going towards holiday shopping, we're settling for the excitement found in knowing there are hidden Christmas the car, closets, or under the bed, in the shed, and maybe, even, that attic?!

Hubby and I am beating the crowds this year (men get off so easy on this task) and not dealing with once in a lifetime sale prices, overstimulated children and rickety wheels on shopping carts. It's been fun and definitely gotten me more into the holiday spirit!

Back to this weeks big and little moments that made it awesome!


1// I can't be the only one who loves a surprise warm day during the winter months?!

2// This man is the lucky recipient of an early birthday gift.
Gifted by himself or not, I find this headset thingy to be amazing! It's been more of a gift to me than him :)
When he puts that thing on....there's silence. Complete silence. The kids are finally asleep, the day is done and I'm left in silence. No more COD sounds. Ahhh, turning 31 is nice, even if my bday was really 4 months ago.

3// This wild child of mine (yes, he is in a dog crate) caught a rock in his forehead just minutes after this. Now it's time to have the stitches removed. No one will be high fiving today at the Doctor's office. Instead,
I will be giving apologies, in advance, to all who are in a 50 mile radius. This visit will not be fun but at least this whole ordeal will finally be behind us.

4// Words of wisdom from my 6th grader. If you're accepting prayer request, please pray for us! ha!

5// I mentioned a while back in this post that hubby and I were giving our room a makeover. It's taken us over a month but we're almost done! Most items were purchased but I couldn't find the right throw pillow and thanks to Pinterest and you crafty bloggers, I got crafty!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.


I'm also hoping to link my H54F with The Bargain BlondesFriday Favorites


  1. I am so excited for Christmas!! I have almost all the shopping done for my in laws and just need to finish my own family!! If my husband would let me buy a tree it'd be up haha!! Praying your little man does well today!!

  2. oh no! I hope his stitches heal quickly! that picture of him is so cute! and love your outfit!

  3. Oh my gosh! My husband did the same thing and bought a headset for his gaming too. I love it!

  4. LOVE that crafty pillow! And love your outfit in #1. PS that dog? Dreamy.

    Happy Friday!


  5. maybe you can use the headset when the stitches are coming out. good luck!!

  6. Loving that pillow! Cute and crafty!


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