Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Working your core...abs and SPIRIT!

I haven't blogged much about 'fitness gains' and it's annoying me.
I want to share with you all that I've gotten my boo-ty back in the gym and am pounding the pavement again!
It feels AWESOME!

So what am I gaining?
The obvious. Muscle. Endurance...
AND willpower

Willpower at the gym? Yes, it happens.
And it's more powerful than any muscle group.
It's what's happening in those last few reps. And/Or that last mile.
You're not only building muscle but also willpower and self discipline, basically self-will.

Ever find yourself hitting the snooze button when you know you should be out on a run?
Or maybe it's the 5 o'clock, clock-out from work that has you feeling too drained for the gym.
It could be the 2 kids that have clinged to your legs and climbed all over you that have you doubting your ability to excel at your regular exercise routine.

OK, really I'm sharing my own experiences but it could be the same for you.
I believe we've all had those moments.
And to overcome them we need a certain level of willpower., willpower picture

When you're concentrating on correct form while lifting, finishing 'that' mile, holding the plank for a few 'more' seconds or simply keeping your feet in rhythm for step class....I ask you to compliment yourself on the more important -willpower.

It is willpower and self-discipline that will get you back into the gym and through the final stretch not defined quads and 6-pack abs. I've learned it to be more powerful than any other muscle fitness gain.

Stay with me and see how I put my willpower to the test in the Cupcake Classic 5k and Pretty Muddy 5k later this month! 

It seems simple right?! Maybe you're thinking you already knew this. And perhaps, you did. But a reminder and some inspiration never hurt anyone!

Did you have a month like me and fall off routine? How did you get back on track?


  1. I find interesting that you know how pleased you are with yourself when you go and do the workout - and yet there is still the voice the urges you to go home and skip the workout. Really a devil on one shoulder and angel on the other.

    1. Isn't that the irony?!! You're right, it's a total yin & yang. We've got to keep our mind in line with our goals!


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