Friday, October 26, 2012

High Five for FRIDAY

I'm lovin' up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk

I could high five the week because of 2 awesome races but really, they're from the weekend, and it would be redundant...butttttt, you could click here to read about my experience with mud pits and cupcakes while running 5K's.

This past week has been filled with a lot of sleep.
I finally went forward with an elective procedure that I've thought long and hard about for years. (like, literally the last 10 years)

I am thrilled with the results....
but am layed-out and restricted until more healing occurs.
I thought I would have a hard time with these instructions but in all's been years since I spent the day in bed or on the couch. 
So aside from pain, I'm totally loving the Dr.'s orders!
And,Hubby has been so sweet & taking good care of me and the kids. He's the perfect Mr.Mom :) 


1// A hot date night for me and hubby, we snuck this in b4 the crazy week started! The kids stayed the night with grandparents and out we went for dinner, drinks, and dancing :)

2// Roses scattered and in vases from Lucas (hubby A.K.A. Mr. Mom). We planned for this week --knowing it would be hard on me and the family....Lucas has done an incredible job at keeping me comfortable, cleaning house, and watching after the kids.

3// me and my remote, in hubby's shirt. I feel like such a man. oh, well.

4// Lucas took the boys out for the afternoon to find their Halloween costumes. Now, Lance is 12 and probably shouldn't be trick-or-treating anymore...but how do you say no to a Morphsuit ?!? This will be Landon's 2nd Halloween, last year he had no clue but this year he seems to relate pumpkins to candy...that's a good start! He loves his big brothers football gear so what better costume than a toddler Quaterback! I expect no tantrums Halloween night...fingers crossed...

5// my new camera has finally arrived!!!!
I've got lots to learn about this camera and am beyond excited to start taking better pictures and capturing more memories!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.



  1. Stopping by from Lauren's link up. Love that black dress you are wearing. You can never go wrong with black. Love that I found your blog. I'm currently going through a crazy fitness experience that is totally kicking my a$$ right now, but I love it! Will be hitting you up for tips!

    Happy Friday!

    1. BD is a winner! I love this time of the year when you can wear a dress and knee boots :)
      Lets def do fitness talk anytime!!!

  2. ah so jealous! enjoy that camera of yours.. so fun! :)

  3. Bopping in from Lauren's H54F party. What an adorable blog you have. I'm a new runner, and loved reading about your races this last week. I didn't even know there were virtual races, how genius! I also saw where you all are going to be moving to CO. Are you going to be based at Ft Carson? CO is where I claim home. I'm a military brat, Air Force, but I spent most of my school years in CO and both my parents are from there. Have a great weekend!


    1. Hey Lauren! Thanks for the sweet words :D
      We will be stationed at Fort Carson! I feel so lucky to know this far in advance, I feel like I have time to research the area, schools, and attractions. Offer any tips you can think of!
      Keep on running! Don't stop or break for too long, take it from me b/c starting up again is always so keep at it!

  4. Hi! Congrats on the new camera! Fun purchase! If you find any good online courses, please be sure to share them! :)

  5. Hey there! Stopping by from H54F. Love your motivational fitness chatter! I recently started a routine workout regime in June and have stuck with it. I feel so much better...but am always looking for new workouts and tips! Also...congrats on the new camera. I have one that is similar and it is so fun!

    1. Good for you! I totally agree with you on the "feel so much better"! I'm in a love/hate relationship with my new camera. I've got to do some serious reading to figure out all the functions!

  6. i love wearing my bf's clothes so #3 is for me!


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