Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Army Wife "TALK"

Remember pig-latin?
You and your girlfriends had your own language, your own "codes" that allowed you to speak about anything -without others knowing what was being said?
It was as if you had your own club. 

I'm in a club. It's the Army Wife Club. 

Tutorial on my "support" necklace coming soon!
And the leaders of this club are our "soldier" husbands. 
They have their own language. 
A language different than 'civilian' lingo.
And we army wives must catch on fast or we'll find ourselves in the dark. 

Different phases of a soldiers career bring on different chapters of this
"special" language. 
When I first married my husband I quickly learned words like... 
-post,motor pool 
-Rank, Insignia 
...and the learning hasn't stopped. 
But there's more to this language than just words, there are acronyms.
Many of them. 
The army uses acronyms like we wives use perfume, hair ties or lipstick.
Acronyms make up most of this "special" language.

...just to name a few.

Then there's the Army's Structure or organizational chain of command.
Another intregal part of this complex language we wives must master.

Wooowza's! In my home the chain of command is simple.
 First mother Father, Mother, then oldest son, followed by youngest son who is always "followed" by our dog.

Today I was stumped, momentarily, on the Chain of Command,
referring to rank structure.
 It's really no wonder I screwed up the rank structure!!

There are so many 'sets of words' we wives must have in our knowledge bank to fully understand the importance and weight of conversation with our soldiers. The more you talk with your husbands and other army wives and the more last name friends you make in the Army the easier it will be to use this "special" language.

My suggested Websites for help or quick reference to Army Wives and Military Families


  1. Kristine-
    I am SO glad you joined us this week for the Southern Mama's blog hop!! I'm really looking forward to getting to know you :)

  2. such a cute necklace!! thanks for linking up with us this week! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to linking up with other wonderful mothers like you!

  3. I recognize your husband's patch! 25th ID Are y'all stationed in Hawaii??

    I am finally getting the hang of all these terms & the Army way of life.

    1. Hey Michelle! Yep, that's 25th ID! We were stationed there...it was beautiful, I really miss living there! Ohhhh, the army way of life, sure is different! Took me awhile too!


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