Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Staying Neutral and True

I've had the hardest time concentrating lately! Anything from making the grocery list, doing dishes, to walking in a room and completely forgetting what for. And it's happening when I look into my closet! Normally, I brainstorm my outfit while in the shower and by the time I hit the idea has gotten even better. Not so much, here lately. I've been staying safe and sticking with the obvious all month. There's no doubt this concentration problem has everything to do with being in weeds at work, this month. People, I am at my max. I'm super stretched-thin, {Thank God} this Friday puts an end to that.

I am ready for an overhaul. This last month of being thrown .hard. into work required quite the sacrifice of personal time and family time. I can't even tell you how happy I am to know it's just about over. I'm looking forward to the weekend more than ever. I'll be focusing on my prep work for the cleanse I plan to start either Sunday or Monday. I'll be highlighting my gym class calendar like a mofo. And, squeezing the life out of my boys and hubby. And getting back some "me time"!!

This sounds a bit like a H54F post but it's whats on my heart and all over my mind right, I blend it into today's "style" post. BTW, that jacket ---> 8 bucks!!! holla! that shirt, less than $20. those shoes, found last year at Macy's with about 3 red tags, marking them down to 14.99! Such great deals!!

Speaking of style. I don't necessarily consider myself a stylish person. It's shocked me to receive emails from readers asking why I don't share the brand and store names of the pieces I'm wearing. Honestly, I had no idea that anyone would truly care. I see these style posts as a way of sharing some of my styles that express me. A way to stay creative and young. Last week I posted a c/o and felt a little awkward about it but since you're asking, I figure, I'll just go with it and be more consistent with sharing who,what, and where's!

You know what else you might want? A $250 VISA?! If you haven't already entered, go enter!
Some fabulous ladies joined me in this's my way of saying, YOU ROCK :)

*And, you totally rock for letting me "vent" my way through this post!!

post signature

P.S. I should say that I am grateful for my work. I love the challenges in my field and the people that I help through working there brings me much satisfaction.  I rant, simply because running a one man show is exhausting and while, I feel incredible for all I've been able to give my office during it's hard time, it's just not practical for my family.  My office is well aware of my feelings, we are a private office and care for each other like friends not just co-workers. I am lucky for all of that!!

Linking w/ Random Wednesdays, WIWW, Style Editions, Walkabout Wednesday, Whatever Whenever, Wed. Blog Hop, Look What I Got  CHECK 'EM ALL OUT!


  1. great post and your look is awesome. Mine is just comfy and whatever for that day. Nothing ever special. I guess to me if I dont have anyone to impress I'm not worried about what I look like and I should care more and not act like I dont care. b/c I do.

    I enjoyed this post.

    What type of job do you have that has you running like a chicken with your head cut off as we say here in Ga?

  2. Oooh, love the yellow top!!

    Just love // kelly

  3. what a cute outfit! Love the pop of neon, classic & fun!

  4. I have the same problem! Walking into a room and forgetting what for, or just concentrating on my to-do list. Even worse, I have around 5 notecard to-do lists scattered around our house a day, and it makes it tougher to keep track because I'm all over the place!
    Cute outfit by the way! Love the yellow pop in the top.

  5. It's hard when you're stretched too thin. Taking time for ourselves is so important, I think...and something I need to remember to do!

    I think you're stylish!! And I'm really loving the color of your top!

  6. I'm always up for a neon & neutral look and you did it so well!

  7. i hope the rest of your week so quickly! love your bright top - so cute!

  8. Love the bright yellow top, especially paired with the jacket! :)

  9. Love the neon. The jacket is great! Can't believe you got it for $8!! Hope the rest of the week goes OK and you can get back to normal again soon!

  10. I totally understand when work takes over. As a teacher, I appear to work reasonable hours but in reality I work at least another 3 when I get home. There is always something that needs to be done for tomorrow! I am always grateful for a brief haitus from the chaos too.

  11. I love the neutral neon together. This outfit looks great on you! I so almost bought that jacket at F21 not long ago...but they didn't have my size. :(

  12. I love those jeans! I haven't shopped there in awhile, I'm going to have to go check it out again! Sending good thoughts your way until you can get your normal schedule back. I know that's really taxing, physically and mentally.

  13. That yellow top is so pretty on you, love it!

  14. I just want to hug you and say "Me too!" to this whole post. Obviously I don't have children, but I am freshly married and have a husband in ministry (which requires a lot of sacrifice from me even though my name's not on the payroll!), and still work 3-4 days a week at a fast-paced office. On top of being the one who primarily keeps the house in shape, and I work out 5 days a week. And I'm only 21! Girls my age are still living in their parents house, working parttime at a coffee shop and going to college. I mean. The average 21 year old, anyway. And whenever some new task gets added to my week, it's like I'm stretched so thin that something has to go. Sometimes it's housework, and sometimes it's my workout schedule (though I realllllly try hard to not let that go!). Usually it's my "me time", which I never realized was SO IMPORTANT and necessary for mental and cognitive stability!! You just can't do it all. Well, unless you're Kristine. Who still looks hotter than ever, and is still positive and upbeat, and is pairing neons with a neutral, which is like the ultimate fashion "do" right now. Way to go, hot mama. <3 You're my role model.

    Also, if you start that cleanse Monday, I might join you? I have been needing to do some sort of cleanse. Are you doing the 7 day one I told you about, or something different?

  15. Love that jacket! And the price! Found ya through abpetite!

  16. You look gorgeous!! :) I hope you have an amazing weekend. :)

  17. SO PRETTY! Here's mine:

  18. Love this outfit! The yellow goes so well with that jacket!

  19. LOVE that yellow top! I only wish I could pull the color off!

  20. Playing it safe can be so boring sometimes, sometimes you have to mix-match patterns and put colors together that normally wouldn't, that being said, I need that jacket and shirt!!!


  21. I think we have the same shirt from Target!! So fun! I love how you styled it - that jacket is so fabulous! I never thought that I needed a neutral leather jacket until now! I am not supposed to be shopping... but I NEED it!

  22. I am right there with ay on not being able to it in the water? I am glad that you will be able to just relax come Friday. Take some time for yourself!! You deserve it!! And sometimes sticking with the basics in fashion is the way to go. I think you look super classy and LOVE that yellow!!

  23. Love the yellow + tan together! I would love for you to link up at my Style Link Up I'm hosting on my blog. :)


  24. Absolutely love this look - great combination! Found you on The Pleated Poppy.

    Stilettos & Sequins

  25. Hey the color! Does it still say I am no reply?

  26. I totally felt like this last week (and for the few weeks before hand). Last weekend I did a restart. I got myself organized, planned meals, cookes and planned outfits for the week. This week has gone so much better because I was prepared. Check out my first restart post and then the others follow throught this week: Hopefully I can give you some motivation!


  27. Thank goodness it ends this week! You definitely deserve a nice weekend with your fam. Love the outfit especially that super fun neon top! So cute!

  28. Ooooh I love the yellow shirt, it is such a happy color! I think you are very stylish. I wear scrubs all week so I love seeing other stylish people! :)

  29. I love this outfit!!! I hope the week goes by fast for you! Only 2 more days!!!

  30. That pop of yellow is beautiful with this look! Love your simple style :)

    Pearls & Paws

  31. Not a bad deal on the jacket!! I love when I find good deals like that. I think you look cute. This is a look I would wear for sure.

    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  32. I love the blazer and the yellow top! I had a pair of BRIGHT yellow pants from JCREW that I got for $5 that I LOVED... this shirt totally reminded me of those pants!!
    P.S.~ yea! tomorrow is Friday! hopefully today and tomorrow pass quickly for you! :)

  33. I SO love that blazer! It is completely fabulous and the neon yellow shirt is perfect with it! So chic!

    xo, Kenya

    Kenya L Fashion Blog

  34. Love this outfit! I love neutrals and neon together. So cute.

    ♥ Talia

  35. The bold yellow looks really flattering on you and this is a great combo!

  36. Great outfit! Love that shirt.


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