Friday, February 1, 2013

Love me a FRIDAY!

busy bee me this week! Between home and work there's hasn't been much time for anything else!

This week, I had a major increase in my work hours and it's set to continue into next week. Now last week we had the fridge and cabinets stocked, dinners made nightly but this week it seems the trashcan is overflowing with pizza boxes and take out containers. good thing I do salads for lunch. This week I found a football in the fridge. and a toothbrush. I left the dog out front to roam free for more time than I care to admit. I wore mismatched socks, which may be cool in some weird trend, but it's def not the norm for me. And, I packed my gym bag twice, opened it only once.

This momma doesn't remember how to do it all when working ~40 hours a week! It's been a while and I'm uber thankful this way of being is only temporary. While I'm sure I could figure it all out again, I much prefer to spend my days equally between my home and work, who ever thought 8 hours at the office was a good idea?! I'm incredibly thankful that hubs and I agree on me working less than full time. One more week to go then I'm tapering off until it's time to pack up this house and move!

More power to you ladies that do it all, week after week!!! Being a mother is truly the most amazing job!


1// skipped the gym! yes, this girl totally traded a workout for a duck hunt and fish count with this sweet boy! In route to daycare on a shockingly warm day...I decided to surprise my little man and change up the routine. I posted other fun pics on IG!

2// this guy might be more excited about my giveaway winnings than me. He's lovin' the 2 bags of beef jerky that showed up the other night...I'm loving the ad space, art work, and fun giftcards!

3// hey, hey! look who got a sitter over the past weekend?! Met up with friends and laughed the night away.

4// work. sometimes you just need to stop the number crunch and draw a few hearts.

5// this post led me to this site which I've hardly figured out but got lucky enough to find this page which listed some of the images that have been pinned from my blog! whoo, hoo! It may not much but to me it's exciting and to see that they are being repinned is so fun!

***and because it's the love month all ad spaces are half off with the code 50NOW!!!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.

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Photobucket Let Them Eat Cake


  1. Yes, sounds like a busy week to me! I work 40+ hours some weeks but I'm not a mother, so I can only imagine how you feel. It sounds like you have it all together though. At least the weekend is here, right? Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend!! :)

  2. Sounds like a really busy week, so glad you got to meet up with friends. :)

  3. Sounds like a busy week. Love the first picture - totally worth blowing off a workout for.
    You can also go to pinterest and type in"insert webpage address here" to see what's pinned from your site. So it'd be:

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Busy must have been the word of the week. I also have accidentally "allowed" the dog a little extra time outside in the past, happens to the best of us! Have a great weekend with your boys :)

  5. Some days skipping the gym is totally worth it! Glad you've had a great week!!

  6. Sounds like you had a crazy busy week!!! Hope you get some relaxation time in this weekend!! Hang in there girl!

  7. Sounds like a good week to me (even with all the work--I guess it's money though, right? That's what I have to tell my self anyway, ha.)! The part with the football in the fridge cracked me up!!

  8. Sounds like a lovely week. :) And I'm not even a mom, but my husband allows me to work less than full time. It's mostly attributed to the fact that his off days are Monday & Tuesday, and most full time jobs wouldn't allow me those days off, so he lets me work just three days a week. Also he doesn't mind having a wife that is less stressed than the average lady. ;)

  9. I hear you! Hats off to mama's who work full-time! I did it for one month last summer and although we appreciated the extra income, it was rough! I'm thankful I don't have to work that many hours all the time! I like being a mom and a homemaker most of the time :)

  10. Looks like you are doing a fantastic job of juggling everything - even if there is an occasional toothbrush in the fridge! I just went back to work one day a week and that is plenty for me at the moment - you go girl!!

    And how special are impromptu dates with our kids! What an awesome Mama you are!! I bet you made his day!

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, I so appreciate it.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend..

    Aanika Xx

  11. you are amazing! newest follower! hope you can follow back :)

  12. good reason to skip the gym! :) and yeah for a night out with friends!

  13. Oh man, I have 3 teenagers & couldn't imagine having to work a full 8 hour day-- I don't know how you do it with wee ones, even temporarily! Hang in there~*

    Happy to be a new follower

  14. sounds like a busy week, and a well deserved night off! i'm a new follower via the fri chaos blog hop :)

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